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Issue 09: October 23, 2020

From the Government Liaison Dear BAIS Community, I would like to thank all of the parents for your great cooperation and support which you have given to Ibu Gledya, our Dept of Ed Liaison in order to complete the student and parent information for the Data Pokok Pendidikan (National Education Database). Thank you so much. […]

Why the PSAT?

We all know that when we do things with experience it goes smoother. That same idea applies to standardized testing especially with the added pressure of doing well on a test that could affect your future university offers. At BAIS we want to remove some of those pressures and set up students to be comfortable while […]

Issue 08: October 16, 2020

From the Facility Manager How do we clean our classrooms? How often are they being cleaned? What kind of chemicals are we using? What is the cleaning protocol for staff? Is BAIS ready to have all the students back at school? Those might be questions and concerns that come from parents and students at BAIS […]

Issue 07: October 09, 2020

From the School Chaplain Dear parents, SEW is an amazing time at BAIS where a few days are set aside every school year to focus on the spiritual development of our students. Our hope is that students always feel encouraged in their classes and chapel times but SEW is different. What makes SEW different? I […]

Issue 06: October 2, 2020

From the Elementary Principal Dear BAIS Community, “Practice makes perfect.” Isn’t that what they say? While I mostly agree with the general sentiment of this saying, I will say that we will never, no matter how much we practice, arrive at “perfect.” Jesus was and will be the only human being to ever live without […]

6th Grade Boot Camp

On Thursday 24th September, 6th Grade students were invited to come on campus from 9am until 12:40pm for a special learning opportunity. The 6th Grade teachers provided socially distanced in-person training on such matters as:  How to better navigate PowerSchool  (a web- based application that allows parents and students to log into a secure account from home, school or work; […]

Issue 05: September 25, 2020

From the School Director Dear BAIS Community, The school has a reputation for going above and beyond to facilitate student success. During this season of online school since March of last school year, this continues to be the case. At the end of last week a group of teachers came together to discuss our current […]

TK Online

I am a preschool parent, and it is hard! Our little learners need lots of support, play, and interaction, which is so hard to do online. Thankfully our BAIS PreK-Kindergarten teachers, Ms. Lane, Ms. Hays, and Mrs. Squiers are doing all the things to make sure our little learners succeed. Here are some ways that […]

Issue 04: September 18, 2020

From the Government Liaison Dear BAIS Community, First, let me say thank you to all the parents and staff. Thank you so much for working hard together to cope with the many obstacles to adjust the sail of our education from normal wind to this Covid-19 storm. Thank you for your patience and perseverance! You […]