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From the Facility Manager

How do we clean our classrooms? How often are they being cleaned? What kind of chemicals are we using? What is the cleaning protocol for staff? Is BAIS ready to have all the students back at school? Those might be questions and concerns that come from parents and students at BAIS during this Covid 19 pandemic. The answer cannot be explained in one sentence, but here are things that we have been doing so far:

We have one cleaning crew team that works every night when the classrooms and offices are empty. Our cleaning staff cleans the students’ desks and chairs and they also wipe and mop the floor; we do this every night when nobody is around to make it more effective, efficient, and thorough.

During the day we have one Ibu that cleans around the hallways and the bathrooms.

We use Dettol as our liquid solution to sanitize and disinfect our desks and chairs every day. Why Dettol? It’s simply because it’s proven to be effective and easy to get in our area. This means we will always have it whenever we need it. For more details about this product please check these links:

All staff do exactly like what everybody does when it comes to our campus health protocols. All staff wash their hands, wear masks, and practice physical distancing. In addition, all BAIS staff have been tested with rapid tests through Pramita lab and the results were negative.

To more easily facilitate and encourage hand-washing, we installed five new sinks located outside both front door entrances with two different sizes that all students will be able to use to wash their hands. We even installed a new sink at the security gate for any guests that come and enter the campus.

We had a visit from our local Dept. of Health to check on our preparedness and received a positive reaction from them. They were impressed with our socially distanced and spacious classrooms, our current safety protocols, and with our plan for implementing additional safety procedures once students are back on campus.

Are we ready? Yes we are ready.

When? We have been praying to have the permission proposal granted by the Dept. of Ed with the recommendation by the Bandung Barat Covid Task Force.
Continue to pray that we can open our campus for in-person learning. We hope to see you all soon!

Chevy Hallatu

Battle of the Books

Hey Secondary Readers!

Even though we can’t meet in person for now, we will still have a Battle of the Books team and competition this year! If we can’t have an ‘in-person’ Battle in January, we will do it over Zoom instead. Battle of the Books is a fun book-trivia competition done in groups of 3-6, based on the list of books below. Participants are not expected to read all 10 books.

If you are interested in participating in Battle of the Books, please email Ms.Ribbens at ClarissaRibbens@baisedu.org and start reading any of these books!

You can check-out BOB books from the BAIS library.

  • Dragon’s Gate
    Yep, Laurence
  • John from the Bible
  • 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
    Jules Verne (unabridged)
  • The Breadwinner
    Ellis, Deborah
  • Merlin
    Lawhead, Stephen R
  • Mossflower
    Jacques, Brian
  • Caddie Woodlawn
    Carol Ryrie Brink
  • The Endless Steppe
    Hautzig, Esther
  • Steelheart
    Brandon Sanderson
  • Peace Child
    Don Richardson

Athletics & Club News

After School Activities

Keep your eyes on the BAIS Buzz for updates, changes, and more information!

Justin Powers
Athletic Director

Note from the Elementary Principal

Please see the communication regarding the process of specials classes beginning Q2 (October 26) for grades 1-5. We kindly ask that you fill out the Google form with your selections no later than Oct. 21.

Parent teacher conferences are coming Nov. 19th and 20th. Please remember that if your child comes with you, they must be supervised while parents meet with teachers. Due to safety measures in place, students are not to be roaming around freely on campus. Communication of schedule and logistics are coming home in packets on Nov. 9.

“I Love to Read” is almost here! Please check announcements from both our ILTR team and your child’s homeroom teacher. There’s lots of fun in store!

Need a good book to read? Please head to our school website to reserve some books for pick up! Our staff will gather them and have them ready for you to collect on the day you wish. Simply click the “Resources” tab, scroll to the bottom, and select “School Library.” For additional questions, please reach out to Pak John in the Library.

Note from the Guidance Counselor

A personal note of thankfulness:

I want to say a huge “THANK YOU” to this community! Over the last three weeks I have been blown away by the outpouring of love, encouraging emails, Instagram messages, prayers, and kindness expressed by this community in regards to the death of my father. Daily I would wake up to new emails from your students sending condolences and letting me know they were praying for me and my family. You are raising truly remarkable children. I am honored to be part of the BAIS community, and I hope to return the same love and kindness to you and your students daily. YOU make this community a special place!

CIALFO Virtual College Fair

October 19th – 23rd
Session Times are 4PM to 9PM

High school students have been receiving email invitations and directions on how to set up their account with CIALFO and register for sessions with 182 universities around the world that are participating in this college fair. Please encourage your high school student to take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn more about and talk with schools in Japan, China, Australia, USA, UK, Canada, France, the Netherlands, South Korea, and more. Students will need to register for the sessions beforehand – make sure you don’t miss out! I encourage you to sit with your student and to participate with them during this wonderful event. If you have any questions about how to register for sessions please see this video.

Thank you,
Melissa Hall

Praise Party

Click here for Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 992 4913 4067 | Passcode: DANCE

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