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Issue 16: November 23, 2018

From the Director’s Desk SEW was a fantastic time with our students as we were able to listen to and discuss what the Lord had in store for each of our students at the end of last week. We are so thankful for Mr. Whitehurst and the entire team for planning and making preparations for […]

Issue 14: November 9, 2018

From the School Chaplain’s Desk Dear BAIS Community, SEW (Spiritual Emphasis Week) is quickly approaching and we are excited about the opportunity that this week affords our student body to grow closer in their relationship with God and each other. There are four things that we would like to communicate with you regarding this year’s […]

Issue 13: November 1, 2018

From the Secondary Principal’s Desk The first quarter of the school year is in the books and I’ve been very impressed with student achievement so far this year. With the new assessment system, many students are  demonstrating learning that is beyond grade level expectations on summative assessments. When comparing grades from last year to this […]

Issue 12: October 26, 2018

From the Director’s Desk Last week we were able to see the body of Christ in action through the many activities and events that took place on and off our campus. It was a very busy weekend! I am grateful to each person who played a part to make each of the events happen. I […]

Issue 11: October 19, 2018

From the Athletic Director’s Desk BAIS Family, I am frequently humbled and impressed by the number of parents, teachers, and staff that invest into the lives of our students. Thank you for your continued involvement in and dedication to our BAIS community. We have been able to offer a variety of new after school activities […]

Issue 10: October 12, 2018

From the Elementary Principal’s Desk Dear Parents, Today marks the official end to quarter 1. Students and teachers have been working hard these last 9 weeks and a lot of growth and learning has happened. As administration, we want to say thank you to all that parents that came to shadow yesterday in the secondary […]

Issue 09: October 5, 2018

From the Secondary Principal’s Desk At BAIS there are always unique classroom lessons I get to see first-hand when I observe teachers and students. Yesterday I was able to visit Mr. Ernsberger’s high school Physics class while they worked through a lab focused on investigating mechanical energy conservation and discovering Hooke’s Law. Enjoy some pictures […]

Issue 08: September 28, 2018

From the Chaplain’s Desk This year our theme at BAIS is Fully Devoted. We are challenging our students with the importance of being Fully Devoted to God and to one another. Being Fully Devoted to God isn’t always easy but being devoted to one another can also be very challenging. Being open and real in […]

Issue 07: September 21, 2018

From the Director’s Desk This past week we had the privilege of hosting nine directors, five spouses, three principals, and four members of the NICS Home Office personnel team. Thank you to all who donated snacks for the meetings; they were greatly appreciated! The time we spent this week was focused on school improvement in […]