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From the Director’s Desk

Last week we were able to see the body of Christ in action through the many activities and events that took place on and off our campus. It was a very busy weekend! I am grateful to each person who played a part to make each of the events happen. I am continually grateful for a community who so selflessly serves.

I want to specifically thank all the parents and BAIS staff who volunteered to work at the PVJ event. It was so much fun for me to see you all in action, speaking so openly and confidently with those who visited our booth. Thank you for the encouragement and thank you for making the name of BAIS more widely known in Bandung! My goal was to have 50 people willing to give us their email address and/or phone number to gain more information about BAIS. that goal was surpassed, and we had 62 families interested in more information about BAIS! Praise God for the tremendous turnout! Please continue to pray for those families. We are confident that God will make it abundantly clear to those who He is leading to send their children to BAIS.

The next step with these families who have shown interest is to have them come to an open house. We have scheduled two open houses; one is on November 10th and a second one will take place on November 24th. Both are on Saturdays and will run from 9am to 12noon. Please pray that we are able to represent BAIS well! More information will be coming about the details of the open houses.

Reenrollment Announcements!

Due to an increased interest in some of our grade levels, we will be asking for re-enrollment commitments from our current families before Christmas break. Before re-enrollment is due, the tuition rates will be set for the 2019-2020 school year. Please be on the lookout for information about this soon!

Together in Him,
Karl Nielsen


University News

On Monday, October 29, during 6th period (12:21-12:57), Becky Wilson, a representative from Ouchita Baptist University will give a presentation in the second floor computer lab (211) and will have a table set up in the lobby from 2:45-3:30. Ouchita (pronounced wash-i-tah) is a Christian university located in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, United States, and offers generous scholarships to international students. Students may bring their lunch, and parents are also welcome to attend.

On Wednesday, October 31, during 6th period (12:21-12:57), a representative from UBC (University of British Columbia) will give a presentation in the second floor computer lab (211). The University of British Columbia, founded in 1908, is a global center for research, teaching, and learning. It is consistently ranked among the most prestigious international institutions, and one of the top 40 research universities in the world. Students may bring their lunch, and parents are also welcome to attend.

Battle of the Books

On Tuesday, Oct.30 from 3:40 PM – 5:00 PM in the library the two BAIS teams will compete to determine what team will represent BAIS against Mountainview on Nov. 10.

Audience members are very much welcomed to come and watch the competition!

For Sale: Dried Mangoes and Pineapple starting next week!

The Battle of the Books team is selling dried fruit again this year! They are a great snack for yourself or as a gift for friends/family.As an added bonus, buying this fruit also supports the SunRei outreach in Malang!

Check out these delicious options!

Dried fruit will be sold next to Ibu Retno’s desk at break time by the BOB team. Want a LOT of fruit!? Of course you do, it’s delicious!

If you would like to make a bulk order, please email kellywongkar@baisedu.org with the list of what you want and it will be prepared for you.

~ Ms. Ribbens & Mrs. Wongkar

SEW – Spiritual Emphasis Week

Our SEW Committee is looking for bottles and containers for a special craft we are going to be making. If you have any of the following items you can drop them by Mrs. Loewen’s desk (in the front office). Thank you!

Drama Practice

Scene 1 – 3 Blocking
Perfomers: All Perfomers
Crew: Kadin & Ji Hun

Music Department

Christmas Student Rehearsals

Monday, December 3, 2018
2:45 PM – 3:45 PM, Elementary students
3:45 PM – 4:30 PM, Secondary students

Parents Choir Rehearsal

Every Wednesday at 1:30, in MPR
BAIS Christmas Choral Festival
Friday, December 7, 2018 at 5:30 PM

Download this issue as PDF: Issue 12: October 26, 2018

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