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Issue 14: November 19, 2021

A note from Mrs. Davis The Writing Assessment at BAIS is a decade-old tradition measuring student strengths and weaknesses with written English. The prompts vary from literature-based to more personal reflection questions. This year’s prompt dealt with the trauma of this COVID season and the wisdom gained through their experiences. Students were challenged to identify […]

Issue 13: November 12, 2021

From the Director Dear Parents, Phase 3 begins Monday, November 15th! Full days all week! This opportunity is all thanks to the success we have been blessed with in Phases 1 and 2. We thank you for your attention to BAIS health and safety protocols and for keeping children at home when there is uncertainty […]

Issue 12: November 4, 2021

From the Guidance Counselor Phew! With the first university deadline closing on Monday, November 1st, at 11:59 pm, just under 25% of the senior class have submitted applications for either Early Decision or Early Action to their first choice universities. Those applications represent more than just the hours each senior spent filling them out. They […]

Issue 11: October 29, 2021

Note from the Director School Development Update Dear BAIS Families, BAIS is always looking to improve. Each year, per our accreditation body’s recommendations and our own internal evaluation, we establish a set list of goals, called a Continuous School Improvement Plan (Link to: CSIP). These are goals which are either being built upon (met), ongoing […]

Issue 10: October 22, 2021

Note from the AP English Literature Class What’s going on in AP English Literature By Elizabeth LaMerthaAP English Teacher “So, what do you do in AP English? Read lots of books?” Yes, and …. “Write lots of papers?” Yes, and …. I’ve been asked these questions multiple times, so I want to share with the […]

Issue 09: October 14, 2021

Note from the Director Dear Parents, Can you believe we have been attending hybrid classes for one month already? It has been refreshing and exhilarating to have students back on campus. I trust your feelings have been similar as you see your child head out the door for school in the mornings. As we plan […]

Issue 08: October 8, 2021

Note from the Government Liaison Hello BAIS Parents, “New Norm” – a recent term for various changes in life that shifted our expectations of normality caused by some itty-bitty infectious agents, reminded us that small things can cause a tremendous change that can influence the whole world. I would like to take the opportunity to […]

Issue 07: October 1, 2021

Note from the Guidance Counselor Testing. It’s a term that we hear a lot, especially around schools. Why do we test? What’s the purpose of it? Well, let’s look into it. We use MAP Testing results as a tool for teachers to know how to better serve and educate students in the classroom. Those results […]

Issue 06: September 24, 2021

Note from the Director Important questions demand important answers. I’ve asked our teachers and aides a few important questions and here are just a few of their responses…enjoy! – Mr. Cantrall What did you HEAR in our halls/classrooms this week? “happy feet” walking through the hallways– chatter, laughter, learning, feet walking, music (PE -hehehe) laughter, […]