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Issue 23: February 14, 2020

From the Athletic Director BAIS Family, “To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.” Shakespeare My grandmother quoted lines of Shakespeare to my sister and I when we were young. Honestly, at the time I rarely understood the context […]

Issue 22: February 07, 2020

From the School Counselor “Confidence comes from being prepared.” John Wooden How true is that statement?! When we travel to a new country, we don’t show up at the airport and hope that it all works out. Beforehand we purchase a ticket, apply for a visitor’s visa, book a place to stay, pack a suitcase, […]

Issue 21: January 31, 2020

From the Secondary Principal Is BAIS an excellent school? It’s an important question and one way to answer it, at least related to academics, is by comparing our MAP scores with other schools with similar characteristics and rigor. EARCOS stands for the East Asia Regional Council of Schools and it is usually regarded as the […]

Issue 20: January 24, 2020

From the Director Dear BAIS Community, I know we have a community that is faithful in the discipline of prayer! Thank you for that and I ask you to focus on these next few months as we are starting to form our community for the 2020-2021 school year. Here are a few specifics: Enrollment – […]

Issue 19: January 17, 2020

From the Secondary Principal At the midpoint of every year it is beneficial to look back at the first semester and look forward to the second. It was not long ago in August we welcomed new teachers and staff to campus. Soon after, Mr. Nielsen welcomed our school bird, “Blue,” into “Blue-ville – his new […]

Issue 18: December 20, 2019

From the Director Dear BAIS Community! I hope and pray that you and your family enjoy the extended break from the routines of school and work during this Christmas Season. I am so thankful for all of the students, parents, and staff that make up this unique community. I pray this break can be used […]

Issue 17: December 13, 2019

From the Secondary Principal The end of November and all of December have been a blur! It seems like yesterday we were celebrating SEW, American Thanksgiving, and now we are already entering first semester exam week! Secondary students have been preparing diligently to be successful on their final exams. It is very important that students […]

Issue 16: December 6, 2019

From BAIS Secondary Principal In the United States, the Thanksgiving holiday was on November 28. Many within our community enjoyed celebrating with families and friends focusing on what we are thankful for during this special season. For the last few weeks in the staff room, teachers and staff have been adding to a “Wall of […]

Issue 15: November 27, 2019

From BAIS Secondary Principal Through interactions with PACE, parent meetings, and other communication, many of you know that next week BAIS is hosting a visiting team for Indonesian SPK accreditation. It was an answered prayer that the accreditation was not scheduled during SEW and the short week of school! This process will verify the results […]