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Issue 06: October 2, 2020

From the Elementary Principal Dear BAIS Community, “Practice makes perfect.” Isn’t that what they say? While I mostly agree with the general sentiment of this saying, I will say that we will never, no matter how much we practice, arrive at “perfect.” Jesus was and will be the only human being to ever live without […]

Issue 05: September 25, 2020

From the School Director Dear BAIS Community, The school has a reputation for going above and beyond to facilitate student success. During this season of online school since March of last school year, this continues to be the case. At the end of last week a group of teachers came together to discuss our current […]

Issue 04: September 18, 2020

From the Government Liaison Dear BAIS Community, First, let me say thank you to all the parents and staff. Thank you so much for working hard together to cope with the many obstacles to adjust the sail of our education from normal wind to this Covid-19 storm. Thank you for your patience and perseverance! You […]

Issue 03: September 11, 2020

From the Director Dear community, Monday will mark the beginning of the fourth week of school for this great learning community. Although there have been some surprises as we continue to be online, it has been inspiring to see how the school has creatively come together to celebrate, share, and communicate. The excellent facilities continue […]

Issue 02: September 4, 2020

From the Elementary Principal Our earth, though imperfect, is quite breathtaking. Sometimes, upon seeing a blazing red sunset or glorious mountain view, I must pause and simply say, “Wow!” One way our God shows us his majesty and beauty is through the wonder of his creation. Do you ever have moments when you have to […]

Issue 01: August 28, 2020

From the BAIS Director “Expect the unexpected,” a popular quote often credited to author Oscar Wilde, could aptly describe the proper mindset to best navigate these uncertain times during this uncertain season. Just one year ago on August 19, 2019, BAIS hosted the Back-to-School Kick-Off and the official school year began on August 20. Here […]

Issue 26: March 6, 2020

From the BAIS Chaplain All of us have walls in our lives that we build to protect ourselves from the potential pain of letting others get too close or know too much about us. These walls can be healthy as long as we allow the right people in. We were all created to love and […]

Issue 25: February 28, 2020

From the Fine Arts Department Backstage Peek at a rehearsal for Cinderella First, let me say thank you to all the supporters and fans of BAIS Performers. Saturday night’s performance is already sold out! Thank you so much for recognizing the hard work that each performer, crew member, and director puts into these productions. Thank […]

Issue 24: February 21, 2020

From the Secondary Principal It is a pleasure writing this article while riding with 26 student-athletes, four coaches, and the athletic department on our way to Surabaya for the IISSAC basketball tournament. Even with an early departure of 6:00am, many parents were on campus waving goodbye in support of the basketball teams. I would like […]