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Issue 15: December 4, 2020

From the Elementary Principal Parents and teachers alike are bracing themselves for their students to experience certain degrees of learning loss or delay as schooling routines have been interrupted (in some cases halted) due to the worldwide pandemic. But, what truly is the root cause of this forecasted dip in learning? How can you, as […]

Issue 14: November 26, 2020

From the School Director Proverbs 3:5-6 reads, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Mr. Whitehurst has been sharing during staff devos on Tuesday mornings about Gideon. In many ways, Gideon was set […]

Issue 13: November 20, 2020

From the Government Liaison Dear Parents, Time flies quickly and the month of November is almost over, yet the pandemic situation is still not friendly. Everyone continues to face challenges and hard times from personal to business and I want to take this opportunity to invite you to unite our hearts together to thank God, […]

Issue 12: November 13, 2020

From the Director Through many recent meetings and communication with parents in the community, I’ve really appreciated the many nuanced perspectives everyone shares. During the current climate, as malls and movie theaters open, there are families with the perspective “we still need to be locked down” and there are families who are more aligned with […]

Issue 11: November 6, 2020

From the Elementary Principal Dear parents, The second quarter is underway, and our elementary students and teachers are off and running! Despite the continued requirement to hold classes virtually, we at BAIS are choosing to remain positive and focus on the great opportunities God is giving us during this school year. Our team is working […]

Issue 10: October 28, 2020

From the Director While there have been some challenges first quarter, I continue to remain impressed with how parents and teachers are working together in partnership for our students’ best interests. I have noticed from parents and students the growing need for a “light at the end of the tunnel” regarding school and the limited […]

Issue 09: October 23, 2020

From the Government Liaison Dear BAIS Community, I would like to thank all of the parents for your great cooperation and support which you have given to Ibu Gledya, our Dept of Ed Liaison in order to complete the student and parent information for the Data Pokok Pendidikan (National Education Database). Thank you so much. […]

Issue 08: October 16, 2020

From the Facility Manager How do we clean our classrooms? How often are they being cleaned? What kind of chemicals are we using? What is the cleaning protocol for staff? Is BAIS ready to have all the students back at school? Those might be questions and concerns that come from parents and students at BAIS […]

Issue 07: October 09, 2020

From the School Chaplain Dear parents, SEW is an amazing time at BAIS where a few days are set aside every school year to focus on the spiritual development of our students. Our hope is that students always feel encouraged in their classes and chapel times but SEW is different. What makes SEW different? I […]