Spiritual Emphasis Week was a huge success!
God’s Holy Spirit presence filled this place as the students were seeking him in his Word, worship time, small groups, and personal devotions. The ministry of the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit refreshed and strengthened students and staff alike. A special heart-felt thank you to this year’s speakers, Kurt Ingram, high school, Brian Whitson, middle school, and Emma Vangheem, elementary school, who were used by God to deliver his Truth in a way that left the students feeling convicted and longing to walk more consistently in the will of God. God has once again shown himself faithful; “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20)
I really enjoyed reading your post here and I just wanted to tell you that I totally agree with what you’re saying! It’s hard to find people that think alike these days.