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From the Director’s Desk

Welcome to May Merriment! As many of you know, that is the term we use to affectionately refer to the flurry of activity that constitutes the month of May. This last full month of the school year is one of final preparation, celebration, and acknowledgement of the progress that has been achieved over this school year. In the midst of all this activity, I would like to ask you to continue to faithfully pray for a few items.

As the calendar on the right details, it is a full schedule for our students. Please pray specifically over the next two weeks for our students who are taking the Advanced Placement exams. The students have worked all year in preparation for these important tests- and they are ready! Please pray they will recall and can clearly articulate what they have learned.

Please pray also for the teachers who are transitioning to BAIS next year. Each one of them meets our visa and work permit requirements, so please pray for their paperwork to be processed by our government officials in a timely manner. Bethany Christiansen (Art), Melissa Harvey (Grade 2), Michael (Math/Science) and Alithia Davis (and their 4 children).

Finally, I ask that you pray for our 24 graduating seniors! They are quite a talented group of people! This month will be one of transition that can be difficult as many have spent many years here at BAIS. This month they will be take part in awards banquets, their Senior Banquet, Senior Trip, and finally, their graduation ceremony. Please pray for their final days at BAIS; it is our desire that they will leave with fond memories, meaningful relationships, a solid worldview, and the skills to smoothly transition to their next phase of life.

Thank you all again for your contributions to the success of the IISSAC swim competition last weekend. Once again, BAIS was represented well by all of you! Thank you for being part of our community!

Together in Him,
Karl Nielsen

Secondary Student-Led Conference Information

May 11, 8:00am-12pm and 1:00pm-5:00pm

For student-led conferences on Friday, BAIS would appreciate 100% participation! Parents and students may come anytime while SLCs are going on but the formal lunch break will be from 12:00-1:00 when teachers will not be available. Please plan for the SLC to take about one hour in order to discuss MAP results, Writing Assessment passages and results, ESO reflections, ESO artifacts, and to allow for a time of questions and answers at the end.

Additionally, teachers will be available to meet during SLCs as well. If you have some questions for them, they will be available.

SLC Classrooms
Grade Teacher(s) Classroom
6 Ms. H. Zhang 202
7 Ms. J. Fulwood 204
8 Mr. Willson and Mr. Whitehurst 203
9 Mr. Loewen 206
10 Mrs. Nielsen and Ms. Carpenter 207
11 Ms. LaMertha 210

Athletics & Club News


After School Activities

Elementary Clubs/Activities

Keep your eyes on the BAIS Buzz for updates, changes, and more information!

Download this issue as PDF: Issue 35: 4 May, 2018 – English

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