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From the BAIS Principal

What are Advanced Placement classes?

At BAIS, our high school students in grades 10-12 have the opportunity to challenge themselves with Advanced Placement (AP) courses. These are rigorous, university level courses that are organized and approved by College Board, the same producers of the SAT. In these courses, students are challenged to not only master the content of a discipline, but to also demonstrate discipline-specific skills in preparation for the end of the year exams which are given in May. These exams are scored out of 5 points and if a student scores a 3 or higher on the exam, most universities in the United States and many universities globally will reward the student with credits or placements that satisfy the requirements of entry level courses. In other words, a student could skip out of many entry level classes allowing them to graduate early or begin focusing on their major earlier than normal. Countries which currently have universities that give credit or placement rewards for AP Exams include the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Japan, Australia, Canada, and the United States.

In addition, according to the College Board website, “[a] large majority (85%) of selective colleges say that a student’s AP experience has a positive impact on admission decisions.” As universities around the world look at student applications, AP courses are one way for them to know the extent to which a student challenged themselves in high school. At BAIS, AP courses also provide a GPA boost as the courses are weighted on a 5.0 scale compared to the traditional 4.0 scale for other courses. In essence, a student who earns a “B” in an AP course receives the same GPA as a student who scores an “A” in a non-AP course.

One of the things that we love about the AP program is that it allows our students to make a lot of choices. Unlike other programs, such as the Diploma Program in the International Baccalaureate, students can take as many AP exams as they want. Many of our students will graduate having taken 4-5 AP classes at BAIS, but could also self-study to take an exam. For example, last year, I taught a course on macroeconomics. A handful of those students decided they wanted to put in the extra work to study for the AP exam in May and so even though they did not receive the GPA boost from the class, were quite successful on the exam. As we continue to grow as a school, I have dreams of adding more AP courses such as AP Physics or AP Human Geography. I would also love to add into our schedule the two year AP Capstone course which focuses on an individual research project into a topic the student is interested in. And this is what I love about the AP program – it is flexible and allows students to try out different subject matter at a high level and figure out what it is that they love studying as they prepare to go off into the world.

Travis Julian

Bali Mathematics Competition 2022

Battle of the Books – Final Battle!

The BAIS team will be competing virtually against teams from the Mountainview and Wesley schools for trophy on March 31st!

You are welcome to join via this gMeet link at 3:30! -> https://meet.google.com/hep-qpkc-nkp

Contact clarissaribbens@baisedu.org with questions.

From the Guidance Counselor

Congratulations to Frederick Yurianto, Odelyn Sinaga, & TJ Tanudjaja!

  • Fred has been accepted to the University of California, Davis in the United States of America.
  • Odelyn has been accepted to the University of California, Davis in the United States of America.
  • TJ has been accepted to the University of Washington in the United States of America.

When you see them around campus or in a Google meet – make sure to give them a covid-high-five. Please be praying for the rest of the senior class as they are working on waiting for responses to applications.

Upcoming University Events

Australia, Japan, and Singapore all have events coming up in the next week. Be sure to check out this link for details and links to the events.

School Lunch QRIS Payment

Scan this to pay for your child’s BAIS school lunch.

A 1% payment surcharge applies.

Please notify ibu Srie by WA or email if you use this convenient feature!

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