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From the BAIS Director

This is a special edition of the BAIS Buzz!

I am pleased to announce the launch of a new school initiative. This initiative will allow our community to partner with the school in a new way. As you know, BAIS is not a perfect school but it is an excellent school that continuously seeks to improve and grow. The school’s academic program, through the curriculum review cycle and continued time for departmental reflection, is consistently making tweaks and adjustments to ensure our students are provided every academic opportunity to reach their full potential. This philosophy of continuous improvement has led to verifiable student achievement that separates us from other like schools in West Java. Additionally, the activities programs (extracurricular opportunities and clubs) are a very tangible way the school ensures the accomplishment of our purpose to educate the whole child. We’ve had the opportunity over the past few years to see our students win IISSAC championships, math and science awards, and spelling bee trophies!

With academic excellence and consistent success in the school’s activities programs, it would be tempting to sit back, rest, and enjoy those accomplishments. The following new initiative, The BAIS Heritage Fund, demonstrates the school’s high prioritization on continued growth. The BAIS Heritage Fund is an opportunity for your family to partner with us in a new way where you are afforded the opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to the school, share your gift with the school, and directly receive your reward as you witness this exciting growth.

Please do take the time to read and consider how you might partner with us in this initiative. The marketing team and school leaders are very excited to provide this new partnership opportunity and we look forward to meeting with you individually, face-to-face or virtually, to answer any questions you have.

With sincere thanks,

Jeremy Thomas, MS. Ed.

Drama Announcement

Drama rehearsal this coming Wednesday, March 3

What: Scenes 12-13

Who: Sound/Lights crew; Elementary Ensemble; Jinny; Karen; Clarine; Vulgarian Soldiers; Ollie; Kezia; Eliza

Elementary Ensemble will need to be at practice for the full 2 hours 4:15 – 6:15. Thank you!

Reminder: Saturday, March 6 we will have rehearsal from 1:00 – 3:00. Full cast required (no elementary ensemble)

2021 Week Without Walls

This week you should have received an email about this year’s Week Without Walls (WWW) event. Please check out our website for more information.

I think you will find most of your questions answered on the website along with information about the charities we are raising money for and the tools you need for a successful Serve-A-Thon.

I want to thank you in advance for your service and support in making this event a success.

Mr. Whitehurst
BAIS Chaplain

Updates and Announcements from the Guidance Counselor

Congratulations to Deo Sinaga!

Deo has been accepted to:

Make sure to congratulate him when you see him around… your Google Meet.

Upcoming Virtual Events

This is an amazingly unique time to be looking for post-secondary schools. Normally schools want students to come to their campus to tour and learn more but one of the perks of the current worldwide situation is the availability of virtual university tours and webinars. I encourage you to look around, check out the schools, and begin learning what your options are!

Be sure to check out the Upcoming Virtual Events to see what’s coming up! To Google Doc is updated almost daily.


Students who registered for the PSAT will receive an email (parents, too) about the details for Thursday and Friday’s PSATs.

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