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From the Director’s Desk

This month is the annual trip to the USA for me and one of the principals to attend our Network of International Christian Schools leadership conference. This conference will be a valuable time for Mr. Thomas and myself to get some further training in many topics relating to school governance and management. This conference also surrounds our weekend recruiting fair, which is a great opportunity to get the BAIS name out to our global teaching community and to help find the right teachers for BAIS.

But we also need your help! The two very specific ways you can assist us are:

  1. As you know, we often will post on Facebook and send messages via Twitter about our open positions. Please do all you can to forward those to your contacts.
  2. Most importantly, please pray for the hearts and minds of those teachers considering to come. Please pray that as Jeremy, Charity, or I have those initial moments of contact that there is a great communication of what BAIS is all about and to accurately share what God is doing here.

An update on our recruiting process as of this week:
As many of you may already know, Miss Zhang was originally planning to leave BAIS to further her education. She has decided to stay, so we are no longer looking to fill her position. Praise God for Miss Zhang!
We have received verbal or email commitments but are still awaiting signed contracts for kindergarten and music. Praise God for providing these two wonderful teachers for us early in the recruiting process. Once we have contracts, we will share names and details.

I am very pleased with the progress so far in the recruiting process. Please pray for the remaining positions to be filled. The listing of positions can be found using this link. If you have any possible leads for these positions, please have them contact me, either of our principals, or the NICS home office for more information.

Karl Nielsen

Sound of Music Announcements

Saturday, February 4, 2017:
Scenes 1 – 7 (Act 1) – Sound and Lighting Crew must be here.  The Nuns, Mariam, Captain, Frau Schmidt, Franz, Von Trapp Children, Rolf, Max, The Nazis & The Party Goers

Wednesday, February 8, 2017 4:00pm to 6:00pm:
Scene 11-12: Max, Captain, Maria, Von Trapp Children, Saengerbund Trio, Fraulein Schweiger, German Officers, Herr Zeller, Schreiber, Rolf, The Nuns and Nun Ensemble

International Day


Business Office

Reenrollment Reminder

Before the Christmas holiday, we have sent the 2017-2018 Reenrollment Form. Please complete the Reenrollment form and return it with the appropriate fees to the BAIS office on or before Friday, March 3, 2017. The Reenrollment form can be collected in the school office, on the school website, and is also attached in the email you received for this edition of the BAIS BUZZ. Your child’s reenrollment for the 2017-2018 school year is secure when this form and the accompanying payment have been received. Payment can be made by bank transfer or cash to the finance office.

The bank account information is the following:

Bank Name: PT Bank Permata
Bank Address: Jalan Merdeka No. 66, Bandung
Account Name: Yayasan Bandung Alliance Intercultural S
Account #: 809-01-8415
Swift Code: BBBAIDJA

Please note after March 3, 2017 your child’s seat in class is no longer secure. Some classes are close to their student limit, so please reenroll promptly to ensure your student’s seat. The IDR 7,000,000  non-refundable reenrollment deposit will be applied towards the student’s Fall 2017 tuition. After March 3, 2017, only IDR 5,500,000 of the IDR 7,000,000  deposit will be applied towards the student’s fall 2017 tuition.

We appreciate your support! If you have any questions, please stop by the office at any time.


Dear Parents & Students,

A form was sent to all high school students via their school email account for AP exam orders. Please complete this form and submit the payment to the front office. The deadline for ordering is February 15, 2017.

Ujian Nasional

Grade 12

Simulation: February 20-21, 2017, time TBA
Rehearsal: March 13-14, 2017, time TBA
Final Test Schedule

Subject Date & Time
1 Bahasa Indonesia Monday, April 10, 2017 | 0730 to 0930
2 Matematika Tuesday, April 11, 2017 | 0730 to 0930
3 Bahasa Inggris Wednesday, April 12, 2017 | 0730 to 0930
4 Kimia Thursday, April 13, 2017 | 0730 to 0930

Grade 9

Simulation: February 27-28, 2017, time TBA
Rehearsal: March 20-21, 2017, time TBA
Final Test Schedule

Subject Date & Time
1 Bahasa Indonesia Tuesday, May 2, 2017 | 0730 to 0930
2 Matematika Wednesday, May 3, 2017 | 0730 to 0930
3 Bahasa Inggris Thursday, May 4, 2017 | 0730 to 0930
4 IPA Monday, May 8, 2017 | 0730 to 0930

The Ujian Nasional is only for all Indonesian citizen students in grade 9 and grade 12. The test will be in Bahasa Indonesia (except for Bahasa Inggris). BAIS prepares students for post-secondary education in English speaking countries and as such does not formally prepare students for the Indonesian National Exam (Ujian Nasional). For further information about this test, you may contact Ibu Gledya at gledyamelisa@baisedu.org

Important Changes from Athletics Department


Due to unforeseen circumstances, BALI is unable to host Badminton & Cross Country together with Swim this year. Thus, Mountainview has stepped up to host both sports the weekend of April 7-9th in Salatiga. The drama production will now take place the weekend of April 20th. With that, BAIS has made arrangements to begin ASAP. We are starting with try-outs next week! If you have a child interested in joining us for either Badminton or Cross Country, please encourage them to try-out next week.

Thank you in advance for your support and understanding.

In Christ,

Try-Outs Schedule

Coach Manatap – manatap@baisedu.org

Tuesday, Feb 7 & Thursday, Feb 9 @ 4:00 PM

Meets at Bumi Pancasona
Say you are there for the BAIS Badminton try-outs.

*Basketball players desiring to tryout for Badminton can do so next week Wednesday, February 8, at 4 PM in the Sports Court. If you are in the Drama Production, please speak with Ms. LaMertha prior to trying out on Wednesday.

FYI – A minimum of 4 boys is needed for a boys team and 4 girls for a girls team. The maximum per team is 7.

Cross Country
Coach Dickman – janadickman@baisedu.org

Tuesday, Feb 7 & Friday, Feb 10 @ 3:45 PM

Meets at the BAIS Oval

FYI – A minimum of 3 boys & 3 girls ages 12+ are needed to form a team. Elementary ages 8-11 may participate in the 1500M run (as with elementary swim, parents must travel and transport their elementary children to & from elementary meet locations)

We look forward to a successful and fun season!

Download this issue as PDF: Issue 20 – February 3, 2017- English

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