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From the BAIS Secondary Principal’s Desk

Dear BAIS Community,

As we wind down the first semester of the school year and swing into the season celebrating the birth of our savior, I find it quite fitting to focus on the great achievements of our students and community.

Let’s start with the most important members of our community. The reason we do what we do – the students!

Additionally, the hard work of our students paid off in honor roll statistics.

After analyzing our student results on the SAT, AP, and MAP standardized assessments, I’m please to announce the following.

Also, let’s not forget the following partial list of university acceptances The Class of 2017 received.

Our students are doing well! Keep up the good work!

As a community, I want to congratulate you all – students, teachers, and parents, on successfully navigating the change from Renweb and TeacherEase to PowerSchool. Recently, I’ve been hearing a lot of positive reports from students related to the ease in accessing scores on assessments, keeping up with homework assignments, and the ability to interact and communicate with their teacher and their content. I am excited to see us all continue to excel with the help of PowerSchool second semester.

It is a privilege and I am humbled to serve and lead the secondary division at BAIS. Let’s keep up the good work and continue seeking to grow together during 2018!

Merry Christmas,
Mr. Jeremy Thomas
Secondary Principal

Personnel Update

Dear Parents, We would like to inform you that Ibu Nanda will not be returning to BAIS after the Christmas holidays. Due to family circumstances, she needs to return to Papua. We have appreciated her contribution to the Indonesian Language and Culture Program at BAIS and pray God will continue to bless others through her.

Charity (LaMertha) Sianturi, Ed.S

Athletics & Club News


After School Activities

Secondary School-Wide Competition


Keep your eyes on the BAIS Buzz for updates, changes, and more information!

Drama Practice

January 10, 2018 4:00 – 6:00 PM
Scene 7: The Stolen Tarts
Scene 8: Painting the Roses Red

If you are in these 2 scenes, please come to practice

From the Computer Department

Season’s Greetings, Celebrate the holiday season with us at https://sites.google.com/baisedu.org/christmas. Elementary and middle school scholars prepared a collection of fun games, delicious recipes, and excellent projects to share with you.

Merry Christmas!

Ms. Penn

Finance News

We want to take this opportunity to remind you that the second semester payment is due on or before Monday, January 8, 2018. Additionally, the payment options that BAIS allows here in Indonesia are as follows:

For Indonesian Rupiah cash payments, please pay directly to the BAIS Finance Office during office hours. BAIS accepts cash payments between 7:45 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. For bank transfers, please pay directly to the BAIS bank account with full detailed information regarding the student’s name and grade in the information section of the bank form. The bank account information is the following:

Bank Name: PT Bank Permata
Bank Address: Jalan Merdeka No. 66, Bandung
Account Name: Yayasan Bandung Alliance Intercultural S
Account #: 809-01-8415
Swift Code: BBBAIDJA

Please note that BAIS does not accept Giros, Checks, or ATM transfers as a payment method. If you have any questions, please contact the Finance team at finance@baisedu.org. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Mr. Mark Boccaccio
Chief Financial Officer


Dear Students & Parents, Week Without Walls (WWW) is coming up in March! WWW is a time when all BAIS students serve the community and the Lord. It’s an exciting event!

We want to ask our students, parents, and the community for suggestions. Do you have an idea for a service project which BAIS students could participate in? Are you connected to an outreach or project which BAIS could help? We want to know!

We are looking for any and all ideas of service projects! You won’t be expected to help with any project you suggest, so please just send any ideas you have!

We need projects for elementary groups, middle school groups, and high school groups. Also, if you would like to contribute in any other way (food donations, supplies, etc), please let us know as well.

Please email ideas to Jason Whitehurst <jasonwhitehurst@baisedu.org>

Thanks on behalf of the WWW committee and BAIS students!

Mr. Jason Whitehurst
BAIS Chaplain

Download the PDF version here: Issue 19: 14 December, 2017 – English

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