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From the Secondary Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents,merry-christmas-new-year-2017

As a community we have transitioned from a season of thankfulness to a season of celebration. A brief Thanksgiving holiday allowed us to reflect and praise God for his faithfulness and blessings over BAIS during this first semester. During the forthcoming Christmas vacation, we are able to celebrate the coming of our Savior – making a way for our redemption and salvation. This is yet another thing to be thankful for. With my first semester almost complete as the new secondary principal, I have found myself in a state of reflection as we progress toward a much deserved holiday.

As I reflect on students at BAIS, I think of words like genuine, sincere, honest, hard-working, and persistent. When I reflect on parents, images of sacrifice, support, school-spirit, care, and dedication come to mind. When I reflect on teachers, I see love, kindness, generosity, sacrifice, care, passion, and exceeding expectations. We are part of a special community, and I am thankful and humbled to be a small part of this community’s success.

The community is finishing up a rigorous first semester. Any time a person goes through a challenging process, it is important to conclude that chapter with reflection and healing. I encourage all community members to take some time over the Christmas holiday to reflect on the successes of first semester, creatively identify areas of improvement for second semester, and take time to proactively relax, rejuvenate, and recreate.

I wish you many blessings over the Christmas and New Year holidays. I look forward to an outstanding second semester!

In Him
Mr. Jeremy Thomas
Secondary Principal

Sound of Music Announcement

Because of student midterms next week, there will be no drama practice on Wednesday. Our next practice will be January 11, 2017.

Angel Gift Tree for Bali Permata Children’s Homes

Thank you very much to everyone who donated gifts or money to the children, youth, and workers! These individuals are so thankful for your kindness and generosity. God bless you! If you have not yet participated in this giving opportunity and you would like to, you can still donate money to help cover the cost of shipping presents to the homes in Bali.

Ms Jana Dickman, on behalf of Bali Permata Children’s Homes.

From the Finance Office

We want to take this opportunity to remind you that the second semester payment is due on or before Monday, January 9, 2017. Additionally, the payment options that BAIS allows here in Indonesia are as follows:

For Indonesian Rupiah cash payments, please pay directly to the BAIS Finance Office during office hours. BAIS accepts cash payments between 7:45 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. For bank transfers, please pay directly to the BAIS bank account with full detailed information regarding the student’s name and grade in the information section of the bank form. The bank account information is the following:

Bank Name: PT Bank Permata
Bank Address: Jalan Merdeka No. 66, Bandung
Account Name: Yayasan Bandung Alliance Intercultural S
Account #: 809-01-8415
Swift Code: BBBAIDJA

Please note that BAIS does not accept Giros, Checks, or ATM transfers as a payment method. If you have any questions, please contact the Finance team at finance@baisedu.org. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Mr. Mark Boccaccio
Chief Financial Officer


There will be no extended day classes next week, December 13th – 15th. Extended day classes will resume the week of January 16th.


BAIS’thletes are to consult with their coaches regarding practice schedules for basketball and swim. Basketball Players of the Game




Disclaimer: Should a game fall through at the last minute, we will reach out to our “always ready to play” BAIS community for a Boys vs. Men // Girls vs. Ladies’ game. Be attentive to our invitations on the BAIS Pep Club Facebook page!

Please join us for the following Alumni Homecoming events:

BAIS Alumni EventThursday, January 12, 2017

2:00 PM: Facility Tour – come and check out all of our facility improvements and hear about our next stages of construction

4:00 PM: Alumni vs. BAIS Teams basketball games – come one, come all and see if you have still got what it takes! Girls game at 4 and the boys will play right after (Showers will be available after the game if you would like to shower before mingle and worship)

6:30 PM: Coffee & Cookie Mingle in the MPR – come and chat!

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM: Community Worship in the MPR – come and join us in songs of praise as we have returning alumni lead us in worship time.

All Alumni welcome – teachers, parents, and students.

Help us spread the word!

Paula A. Newell
School Counselor

Download the PDF Version here: December 9, 2016

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