From the Secondary Principal’s Desk
Wow! It is hard to believe the first quarter of the 2016-2017 school year is over! It has been a successful whirlwind of transition for many new teachers and students here at BAIS and we are so proud of what they have achieved. “To God be the glory, great things He hath done!”
Today parents will receive information about student progress and achievement. All students will bring home hard copies of their first quarter progress report. Kindergarten – 12th grade parents will receive digital copies of MAP testing results accompanied with a short video explaining how to read your child’s report in your inbox. Additionally, parents from 1st – 12th grade will receive the Writing Assessment report. We are hopeful this data is a reason to celebrate your child’s achievement first quarter in addition to identifying possible areas of growth. BAIS continues to be thankful for the partnership we have with parents as we work together so students meet their fullest potential. We strongly encourage parents to seek the wisdom of your child’s teacher before bringing forth any issue to administration. A wonderful opportunity for this is Parent-Teacher Conferences which will be held on the evening of November 3 and the morning of November 4 in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR). A wonderful opportunity for this is Parent-Teacher Conferences which will be held on the evening of November 3 and the morning of November 4. For secondary, conferences will be in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR). Elementary conferences will be in classrooms according to a specific schedule completed and shared next week.”
Next week has been anticipated by the BAIS community for many years! The IISSAC Soccer Tournament will begin on Thursday with the opening ceremony beginning at 2:00 and kickoff at 2:30. Everyone is invited! We are so thankful for how the entire community has sacrificed for the success of this event. We are thankful for so many parents who have been involved through PACE, led by Ibu Soesanti Lim, to meet tournament needs. We are so thankful for the many businesses and families that are sponsoring the tournament. BAIS prides itself in educating the whole child. Our Expected Schoolwide Outcomes (ESO) are
- Biblical Application
- Active Living and Learning
- Innovative and Informed Thinking
- Social Responsibility.
The IISSAC tournament is one of those special activities that provides students with the opportunity to grow in all four outcomes! Thank you all for what you have done to make this event successful!
After completing the first quarter, I have had a little bit of time to reflect on teaching and learning at BAIS. I admire the care, concern, and love our teachers share for students. When I think of great teachers throughout history, Jesus and Socrates are two that come to mind. When I think of researchers in the forefront of educational research, I think of scientists like Dr. Robert Marzano, Dr. Grant Wiggins, and Jay McTighe. It is interesting to reflect on contemporary research in education compared to how Jesus and Socrates taught their disciples. Be on the lookout for future articles in the Buzz highlighting some key conclusions as I wrestle in my comparison between two old school educators and current experts in education.
Mr. Jeremy Thomas
Secondary Principal
Announcing New Pool Rules
As mentioned in the initial roll out of our facility usage policy, our intention was to start small and expand the usage of the pool as we grow into our safety and maintenance understanding. In light of that, we found that the two most prohibitive factors to pool usage were the limited groups of people that were allowed to use the pool, and the adverse weather regulations. Here is an update on how we are looking to increase the pool usage.
- All approved adults (BAIS Staff / Parents / Alumni) are allowed to bring two guests to use the pool during open pool hours. (Previously, our policy did not allow for guests)
- Any approved adult (BAIS Staff / Parents / Alumni) are allowed to supervise children in the pool according to the previously published ratios with regard to age of the children. (Previously, only parents were allowed to supervise children at the pool).
- The open pool hours will be 2:45 – 6:00
With regard to the adverse weather regulations (15 minutes of no audible thunder or visible lightening), we are looking into the purchase of a device that can detect the distance of the most recent lightning strike. There is a sense that this device will give us a way to reduce the times we must evacuate the pool but maintain a level of safety we are comfortable with in the case of a lightning storm.
Mr. Karl Nielsen
Digital Citizenship Week
Greetings BAIS Parents,
Happy Digital Citizenship Week! As technology evolves, the opportunities and risks associated with using digital media grow. This is especially true for young people who are tasked with protecting their identities online, responding to cyberbullying, and exploring the internet responsibly. For example, our elementary school students have recently adapted to using their BAIS GMail without Google Hangouts and Google Plus because we want to empower them to make wise choices with social media before using it in the BAIS community. It can be both exciting and overwhelming to develop global citizens in through our school’s ESO:
- Biblical Application
- Active Living and Learning
- Innovative and Informed Thinking
- Social Responsibility
Common Sense Education provides an 8 category curriculum based on the research of Dr. Howard Gardner and The GoodPlay Project at the Harvard Graduate School of Education:
- Self Image & identity
- Digital Footprint & Reputation
- Information Literacy
- Privacy & Security
- Relationships & Communication
- Cyberbullying & Digital Drama
- Internet Safety
- Creative Credit & Copyright
I am very excited about empowering you to continue conversations after school with this proven tools. Parent tip sheets and activity worksheets in the Common Sense Education’s K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum will be sent home regularly to help you support your child’s digital citizenship development. More resources are available at
I am here to help and would love to celebrate your efforts with you. Email me at with any questions or concerns. Then, share your stories across social media outlets with the hashtag #DigCit@BAIS.
Ms. Alynthia Penn
Computer Teacher
Spirit Week
PEP RALLY FRIDAY 2nd period (8:39-9:29)
Athletic News
BAIS is now accepting applications for the boys basketball head coach and assistant coach positions. Previous basketball experience is required to be head coach. Knowledge of the sport is required to be assistant coach. All those with interest should email for more information. Application deadline is November 1st.
Girls Basketball tryouts!
Monday, November 7th
Tuesday, November 8th
3:45 PM – 5:30 PM
Head Coach — Ms. Fulwood
BOB Fundraiser: Mangoes! Pineapple!
The Battle of the Books team is selling dried fruit as a fundraiser. These make for a great snack for yourself or a gift for friends/family. Check out these delicious options!
- 50gr bags of dried mangoes for Rp. 15.000 per bag
- 100gr bags of dried pineapple for Rp. 15.000 per bag
Mangoes are sold next to Ibu Retno’s desk by the BOB team during break time.
Want a LOT of fruit!? Of course you do; they are delicious! If you would like to make a bulk order, please email me at with the list of what you want.
I will deliver your order to your student.
As an added bonus, buying the fruit also supports the SunRei outreach in Malang!
SEW T-shirt Order Form
Check out the front and back on this year’s Spiritual Emphasis Week shirt. Congratulations Maelgwyn Alexander Hallatu, 7th grade logo designer!
Complete and return your SEW T-shirt Order Form by Friday, October 21. Purchasing a shirt is optional. Each shirt costs 80,000 Rp. Please submit your payment to:
- Elementary- Homeroom teacher
- Secondary- Mr. Newell
Download: Issue 10: 21 October, 2016 – English
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