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From the Director’s Desk

Dear BAIS community,

It has been a blessing to see the school year shift into full swing over the past couple of weeks. Our campus is buzzing with activity both during the school day with classes and after school with athletics and activities. I am grateful for the students, parents and staff who are committed to, and actively involved with all aspects of campus life at BAIS.

This week and next week I will be off campus participating in meetings and workshops that are directly related to the goal of continually improving the quality of the education we offer at BAIS.

I spent time this week in workshops with the leadership of our accrediting board to learn more details about our upcoming dual ACSI/WASC accreditation. Accreditation an important tool in our effort to continue on the path of improving our programs at BAIS. The goal of accreditation is to assess the current state of our school by gathering feedback from all stakeholders in our community, and then, with the assistance of an outside accreditation team, to create a plan with detailed steps to specifically address areas that need improvement. Our staff, led by Mr. Travis Julian, has been gathering information and preparing for the accreditation team visit over the past year; we look forward to their arrival in March or April of 2018. They will spend time on our campus interacting with our community, and reviewing and assessing all of the information we have compiled. I look forward to our time with the team, and more importantly, to the fruit that comes from the accreditation process.

During the second week of my absence, I will be attending the annual regional directors conference with NICS. This close network of schools that BAIS belongs to is continually striving to collaborate together as peer schools and to combine our resources in order strengthen one another. The network spearheads our screening and recruiting efforts, provides leadership development to our administrative team, and allows us to receive discounted pricing on educational tools, including the purchase of industry leading software. I am looking forward to a week of learning and collaborating.

Mr. Karl Nielsen
BAIS Director

Drama Practice

Scene One: Goodbye, Emerald City
Wednesday, September 13, 2017 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm

Cast members playing these characters have to come to practice: Wizard, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion, Dorothy, Munchkins & White Rabbit

Elementary Coffee Break

Dear Elementary Parents,

Thank you so much for those that showed up to the Back to School Coffee Talks. It was great to get to know a few new parents and to reconnect with returning parents. Here are a couple announcements that came up that I want to make sure everyone knows.

First, Powerschool Pro, the school’s new grade book program is not up and running for elementary. We still need some training to get it to work correctly. In the meantime, teachers are keeping grades on a spreadsheet. They emailed out an update to parents this week. If you would like to know more specifics please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

Second, we are experiencing some complications with Customs and are still waiting for some of our textbooks to arrive at school. It is estimated that these books should arrive the middle of next week. We apologize for any difficulty the students are having due to the fact of not having physical books for some classes.

Next month, I am planning a time for the Preschool and Kindergarten parents to get together. Please be looking for details for that event.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email or stop in and talk with me.

Charity (LaMertha) Sianturi, Ed.S

School WhatsApp Account

Dear Parents,

In response to feedback from you, the school is going to reinstate a school-wide WhatsApp group. This will be one of our main forms of communication to send out announcements and information to the parent community. However, it is set up as a broadcast only group so parents will not be able to view each other’s responses. The school will be the only one able to see responses or questions. You have the option to not be included in the WhatsApp communication if you do not want to be. Please take time today to fill out this WhatsApp google form. This will help us in creating the various school groups. Next week we will begin sending out information using this form of communication.

If you have any questions or comments regarding this, please let Amu or one of the admin team know. We look forward to helping improve our parent school communication.

Charity (LaMertha) Sianturi, Ed.S

From the School Counselor

We are thrilled to provide opportunities to hear from universities around the world! Here are some upcoming presentations for high school students and parents.

Athletics & Club News


After School Activities

Elementary Clubs/Activities

Young Tigers Soccer Club first tournament Saturday, Sept. 23.
Teams from YTFC BAIS, YTFC BUMI PANCASONA, and YTFC CBCS will compete.
Please come out and support your BAIS Hatchlings.

Keep your eyes on the BAIS Buzz for updates, changes, and more information!

Download this issue as PDF: Issue 05: 8 September, 2017 – English

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