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From the Secondary Principal’s Desk

The secondary division is so excited to partner with you in the education of your children! This is a responsibility that weighs heavily upon us and we consider it a privilege, and are humbled, that God has chosen us for this profession. Educators are warned in James 3:1, “Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.” Paul give this as a reminder of the seriousness of our profession. It is also a call to a standard of excellence that BAIS continues to strive for!

One of the secondary division’s core values is “growing together.” This is primarily related to growing professionally and consistently becoming better in our role as educators. There are two key changes in the secondary division which will result in continued school improvement for our school and increased student achievement. The first was introduced in last week’s edition of the Buzz ‐ the BAIS Passport. This card is a tool to improve how the secondary division monitors student behavior. It also facilitates our effort to separate student behavior from academic penalties and assessment practices.

The second important change is how teachers assess students and report grades. Grades are meant to be a communication tool. Grades should answer the question, “At this time, what is the status of this student’s learning related to specific content or skills?” If there are points deducted from grades because of turning in assignments late or because of behavior in class, grades no longer accurately address that question. Therefore, we are growing together in a new system to improve the accuracy of reporting student achievement.

Please be aware of the Principal’s Coffee schedule which will be released soon. Dates will be published in the BAIS Buzz, the school’s website calendar, and posted on our WhatsApp account. These sessions are great opportunities to bond with other parents, ask questions, and participate in some learning activities. I look forward to seeing you there!

Mr. Thomas, MS. Ed.
Secondary Principal

2018 Christmas Performance

Dress Code Color: White

Boys: a white top and white knee‐length shorts or pants
Girls: a white dress or white top & bottom (white skirt / long pants or knee‐length shorts)

*If you are unable to find white pants for boys in Indonesia, please prepare black pants for boys
*Please follow the white dress code for girls

Thank you so much for your great support.

Ms. Kim
Music Dept

Why We Do What We Do?

First Semester Offering Emphasis

In Matthew 22 Jesus was asked which is the greatest commandment in the Law? To that question Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

On July 29th, the first of several earthquakes struck the island of Lombok. These earthquakes and aftershocks have claimed the lives of over 400 people along with destroying 1,000’s of homes and businesses. It will take months for some and even years to recover from this disaster. For many life will never be the same. Why does this matter? Because Lombok is our neighbor and Jesus commanded us to show love to our neighbor in their time of need.

We have decided to love our neighbor by praying for them weekly and donating the monies we collect in our
elementary and secondary chapel offerings to the relief and response efforts to the Lombok earthquakes. We are partnering the global response team of GBR who have the systems and people in place to provide a long term response to these type of disasters. We want to encourage you to join us in prayer and encourage your children to bring their offerings into chapel every week as we love our neighbors in Lombok.

Fully Devoted,
Jason Whitehurst

Drama Announcement

Auditions for Disney’s Aladdin Jr. (secondary students only) will be August 29, 2018 from 4‐6 PM in the MPR. Please make sure you received an audition packet and a parent permission slip if you want to audition for this year’s musical.

Athletics & Club News


After School Clubs and Activities

Club Highlight of the Week: IISAAC Boys Soccer

Keep your eyes on the BAIS Buzz for updates, changes, and more information!

2018 BAIS Boys Soccer Team

Student Worship Team

We are still looking for some student volunteers to assist with the student worship teams this school year.  If it’s in your heart to serve the school body this year through leading worship then please sign up here: 2018-2019 Praise Team Sign Up.

There are two secondary worship teams and one elementary worship team. Please let us know your preference on which worship team you’d like to work with.  The practice times for secondary teams are during the morning starting at 6am.  The secondary team would meet to practice for 4 times before their turn to lead chapel.  Elementary teams meet on Tuesday and Thursday during secondary lunch.

Download this issue as PDF: Issue 02: 16 August, 2018

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