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From the Director’s Desk

Dear BAIS Community!

Fully Devoted – Romans 12

Welcome to the 2018‐2019 school year!! We are so thankful that you have chosen BAIS to partner with you in the education of your child(ren). We are excited to focus this year on our theme of living a life Fully Devoted with the focus passage being Romans 12. This chapter is rich in its devotion to working together as a body as well as filled with life giving directions. This theme will be discussed throughout the school year, exploring what that means for students in each grade, from PreK 3 to 12.

As many of you know, all students here at BAIS will be challenged to grow in four specific areas; these areas are known as our Expected Student Outcomes (ESOs). Our ESOs are as follows: Biblical Application, Active Living and Learning, Informed and Innovative Thinking, and Social Responsibility. They intentionally address more than just academics because we firmly believe in the value of  students growing beyond mere content knowledge. Our purpose is to prepare students to have thoughtful and productive careers, be loving and caring family members, and of course become well educated and active members of society. Above all we strive to soak all that we teach in the truth of God’s word for none of the other areas of growth are of eternal value otherwise.

So as we begin the journey of the 2018‐2019 school year, I ask that each of you join together in praying for your children, our students. May they learn the majesty of the creation, understand the mind of man, and embrace the truth found in the Word of God. May we all live a life Fully Devoted!

May the God of Peace richly bless you and your family this school year.

Karl Nielsen

2018 Christmas Performance

Dress Code Color: White

Boys: a white Top and white knee‐length shorts or pants
Girls: a white dress or white top & bottom (white skirt / long pants or knee‐length shorts)

*If you are unable to find white pants for Boys in Indonesia, please prepare black pants for boys
*Please follow the white dress code for girls
Thank you so much for your great support.

Secondary Update

The first week of school is already finished! It’s been great to see new students and returning students on campus, laughing with each other, and excited to learn! Secondary enrollment this year is 102 students! This week the secondary division is highlighting one change for the 18‐19 school year.

The BAIS Passport

Students this year are required to have their passport with them at all times on campus. You can see the pictures below. The front of the passport has not changed. This is used when students need to leave class. The teacher will initial one of the numbers when students have permission to use the bathroom or visit their locker. Students have seven allowances this quarter. Once the seven allowances are used, the student is not allowed to leave class except in rare emergencies.

On the back of the passport is the student discipline card. You can see four discipline categories on the card. When students are tardy, do not submit homework on time, are non‐compliant, or do not comply with the English Only Policy (EOP), the teacher will initial the box at the top of the column. When a column is full, the teacher will send the student directly to the secondary principal and the progressive discipline policy will be implemented.

The progressive discipline continuum typically follows this order:

  1. Lunch detention
  2. After school detention
  3. In‐school suspension (ISS)
  4. 3 day ISS
  5. 3 day out‐of‐school suspension (OSS)
  6. 5 day OSS
  7. 8 day OSS
  8. DAC hearing
  9. Expulsion

The excellent secondary teachers are excited and privileged to teach your students this year. Through our spiritual theme of Fully Devoted, from Romans 12, we hope to grow spiritually as a community. The teachers are also implementing a professional theme called Assess & Adjust. Through this, we pray that every student is able to grow and flourish this year!

If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email or schedule a meeting with me.
I’m looking forward to serving you and your students this year!

Mr. Thomas, MS. Ed.

Athletics & Club News


After School/ Elementary Clubs/Activities

Keep your eyes on the BAIS Buzz for updates, changes, and more information!

Drama Production

Announcing the 2018‐2019 Theater Production

Dear Parents and Performers,

Disney’s Aladdin Jr. is a fun, exciting, romantic musical, and I am so excited to work with our BAIS community to put on this production. This production provides performing options for anyone who would like to perform. If you would like to perform in Disney’s Aladdin Jr., there is a spot for you.

Elementary students are welcome to participate in the elementary ensemble, which will be a third
trimester (beginning in February) after school club. Elementary students do not need to audition nor come to rehearsals during first semester.

Secondary students, please carefully consider the responsibilities and time commitment of each role. Major roles generally require 80+ hours of rehearsal and performance. Minor roles generally require 40‐60 hours, and extras usually require 20‐30 hours of rehearsal and performance. The major roles this year are Aladdin, Genie, Jasmine, and the Ensemble. The minor roles are Jafar, Iago, and Sultan. The extra roles are Razoul, the Guards, and the Narrators. Again, please carefully consider whether you have the time, ability, and interest needed to commit to these rehearsals and performances.

Please also be aware that there will be a 300,000 Rp. participation fee to help cover the cost of scripts, costumes, and licensing.

If you do have the time and the interest, please come to the auditions rehearsal on Aug 15 from 4‐6 PM in the MPR. During that time, you will get your audition packet and learn your audition song.

Ms. Beth LaMertha
Theater Director

Download this issue as PDF: Issue 01: 10 August, 2018

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