Dear BAIS Community,
This year;s theme in chapel has been “Growing Together” and Mr. Whitehurst has recently been teaching our students our five key spiritual disciplines in order to grow and stretch our faith. At our last chapel he taught us about fasting, prayer, and journaling. Last year, BAIS secondary teachers sat down a few times to narrow what our key values are in the secondary school. Interestingly, we landed on being firmly rooted in scripture, growing together in an abiding faith, and being joyful. During a recent faculty meeting, secondary teachers collaborated together to grow and improve. It was an authentic, growing together moment!
The building blocks of what teachers do stem from their unit plans and their lesson plans. Next to a teacher’s ability, educational researcher, Dr. Robert Marzano, has demonstrated that the curriculum is the second key factor in student achievement. Unit plans and lesson plans are a part of the written curriculum – they are very important! During collaboration time on Wednesday, we identified a few key factors of a good lesson plan. Some of these characteristics included:
Once we had identified these key factors, teachers formed small groups. One teacher shared their lesson plan and explained what was going to happen during a 50 minutes lesson. Their partner was then able to think and reflect on the lesson and offer some suggestions to improve the lesson based on the five key factors. Our teachers were positive, caring, empathetic, constructively critical, and excited to take those suggestions and make their plan better.
This was a great example of how our secondary teachers are growing together. I am proud to lead this group of professionals who care deeply for their students and strive to continually grow and excel in their craft. When you think about your role as a parent,you really are a teacher. Teaching is an art and a science, and whether you are in your first year of teaching or in your thirtieth, we can all continue to learn and improve. We can all grow together!
Mr. Jeremy Thomas
Secondary Principal
BAIS is looking to hire an experienced Marketing, Public Relations & Social Media Manager. If you know a qualified individual who would be interested, please call or email Mark Boccaccio at
The PE Waiver for Soccer IISSAC is due to Ms. Hall or Ibu Leony at 3:30pm on Friday, November 17th for it to count as a PE credit towards your graduation requirements. Please see Ms. Hall if you have questions.
December 8, 2017 at 5:30 pm
Dress Rehearsal Schedules:
Attire: A white top and a black bottom
If you have any questions or concerns, please see me during the parent-teacher conference.
Ms. Kim
The BAIS Battle of the Books Team will travel to Mountainview School next Friday to compete in their yearly competition. They have worked hard this year, and we wish them well as they compete. Our team members include:
Daniel Nix, Jonathan Lee, Rachel Nielsen, Jae Ha Jung, and Tilly McCulloch
Please give them a high five or a word of encouragement this week!
Are you thankful for all that you have? Do you have so much you don’t need it all? Consider donating to Permata Bali Children’s Home!
Most needed:
Both gently used and new will be accepted. Please bring items during SEW (not before, thanks!) to the front office. Teachers will deliver the donations to Permata Bali Children’s Home over Thanksgiving break weekend.
Also: Especially if you have no clothes or shoes to donate, please consider an upcoming opportunity to bless the children of Permata Bali Children’s Home: The Angel Tree gift donation! We want to send Christmas gifts to each child/youth at the orphanage and we need sponsors who are willing to buy gifts and wrap them to be sent for Christmas!
Please check in the BAIS Buzz next week for details.
Ms. Jana Dickman
Saturday, November 18, 2017 from 9am to 5pm
Bring you lunch. If we finish before 5pm, we will clean up and leave early.
Where: MPR
Who: Film Crew, Sound/ Lighting Crew, and Dorothy, Scarecrow, Lion, Tin Man, and Toto
Who does not need to be there: The Munchkins, Ozma, and the White Rabbit
Ms. Beth LaMertha
Drama Coordinator
Budijono, Melissa
Chandean, Sherine
Gunaman, Angel
Jeong, Hayeon
Jung, Jaeha
Kim, Lydia
Kusmana, Stephanny
Lee, Karen
Nielsen, Rachel
Oh, Jeong Won
Park, Eunpyo
Park, Ji Hyeon
Sung, Yulim
Suwandi, Mischka
Tantowi, Clarine
Tanu, Josephine
Thomas, Kai
Boccaccio, Annelise
Chandean, Valerie
Chun, Bethany
Darmamulia, Daniel
Gunthorpe, Oliver
Hartono, Jessica
Heo, Jang Hun
Hirianto, Jessica
Hirianto, Samantha
Hong, Jun Seon
Jeong, Haram
Jung, Heemin
Kartarahardja, Devlin
Kim, Josiah
Ko, Kevin
Kwon, Gyeong Min
Lee, Dong Jun
Lee, Sung Chun
Limandibhratha, Sergio
Lin, Ruizhi
Muljadi, Crystal
Nielsen, Emily
Nix, Daniel
Noh, Hamin
Primandaru, Rio
Sastra, Jason
Seo, Joo In
Shin, Jane
Sinaga, Kathlyn
Son, Gyu Ha
Sutandi, Lukas
Tanudjaja, Tivara
Tjut, Bryan
Walker, Paul
Wiarta, Fedeline
Baig, Rayhan
Beintema, Sandor
Hallatu, Maelgwyn
Hartono, Michael
Kang, Junha
Kurniawan, Raphael
Lee, Sangwha
Lo, Fallon
McCulloch, Talitha
Nam, SangYun
Purnomo, Moreno
Seo, Minwoo
Sinaga, Odelyn
Sutandi, Hanna
Tanudjaja, Thaniel
Tedjasukmana, Ralf
Willson, Tori
Willson, Tyler
Woo, Huiso
Astian, Haydn
Byun, Da Ae
Chandean, Beltra
Kim, Woo Hyun
Ko, Kirstie
Lee, Sung Ha
Lukmanjaya, Wilson
Madeline, Jane
Purnomo, Audy
Sastra, Vincent
Sinaga, Deo
Sugono, Andrew
Tantowi, Chloe
Tenandar, Jordan
Thomas, Ezra
Tanu, Angelia
Victoria, Kyla
Widjaya, Ivanna
Winesa, Guinevere
Yurianto, Emily
Keep your eyes on the BAIS Buzz for updates, changes, and more information!
Mr. Justin Powers
Athletic Director
Download the full issue as PDF: Issue 14: 10 November, 2017 – English
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