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BAIS Buzz, March 10, 2023

Homework - Is it Effective?

For many of us, we have grown up believing that more homework equates to more learning and rigor. We can perhaps recall spending countless hours studying textbooks, answering questions, and completing assignments. However, is this belief rooted in truth? Does research support the notion that an increase in the amount and time spent on homework leads to more learning?

This topic has been a subject of intense debate over the past five decades, with a plethora of research conducted to determine the effects of homework on learning, both positive and negative. Here’s what the research has revealed:

  1. While there is a correlation between homework and increased student learning among secondary-aged students, there is no evidence of causation – that is, homework alone does not necessarily lead to more learning. This is because a multitude of factors come into play when a student is learning at home, including the quality of the assignment, feedback from the teacher, and the levels and types of support from parents, guardians, or siblings. As a result, it is difficult to determine the impact that homework has on a student’s academic success.1245
  2. It is worth noting that the correlation between homework and learning in secondary aged students has been found to often follow a curvilinear pattern – resembling a bell curve. One source summarized the findings this way: “Pupils doing either very little or a great deal of homework tend to perform less well at school than those doing ‘moderate’ amounts of homework”3. In fact, a study revealed that when homework exceeded a total of 90 minutes for middle school students, test scores began to drop.4 
  3. For primary (elementary) aged students, research has indicated that homework has only minimal benefits.245 Several studies found that students this age “don’t have the study skills to benefit fully from homework, so it may be a poor use of time.”4  However, what a lot of research has found that is beneficial for primary-aged students is engaging in independent reading for pleasure. When this is done at home, students tend to have more academic success in school.245 
  4. The quality and purpose of the homework is more important than the amount of time being spent on homework145
  5. Excessive amounts of homework have been proven to increase stress levels and can lead to physical health problems. In 2014, a Stanford study revealed that “students in high-achieving communities who spend too much time on homework experience more stress, physical health problems, a lack of balance and even alienation from society. More than two hours of homework a night may be counterproductive, according to the study.”1 Similarly, a 2013 study “found that high school students can experience serious mental and physical health problems, from higher stress levels to sleep deprivation, when assigned too much homework”4 

At BAIS, we believe in a holistic approach to education that takes into account the well-being of our students’ minds and hearts. While homework is an aspect of learning, we recognize the importance of providing purposeful and manageable amounts of homework to support our students’ mental and emotional health. With the advent of AI, such as ChatGPT, and other online resources, we are being challenged to find new ways to make sure homework is meaningful.

We do want to acknowledge that certain courses, such as Advanced Placement classes, may require more homework than others, but we are committed to striking a balance that ensures our students’ well-being and academic success. Ultimately, we aspire to cultivate critical and creative thinkers who are equipped to tackle life’s challenges with confidence and resilience.


Travis Julian

Work Cited

  1. Clifton B. Parker, Stanford research shows pitfalls of homework. (Stanford University, 2014) https://news.stanford.edu/2014/03/10/too-much-homework-031014/ 
  2. Caroline Sharp, Wendy Keys, and Pauline Benefield. Homework: A Review of Recent Research. (National Foundation for Educational Research, 2001) p.15-20. https://www.nfer.ac.uk/publications/hwk01/hwk01.pdf 
  3. Ibid. p. 20.
  4. Youki Terada. THE RESEARCH IS IN: What’s the Right Amount of Homework?. (Edutopia, 2018) https://www.edutopia.org/article/whats-right-amount-homework/ 
  5. Dr. Cathy Vatterott. What does the research say about homework? (The Education Hub, 2020). https://theeducationhub.org.nz/what-does-the-research-say-about-homework/ 

Lory Hough. Are You Down With or Done With Homework?. (Harvard Ed. Magazine, 2012). https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/ed/12/01/are-you-down-or-done-homework 

In this Issue

Important Dates




Week Without Walls


Half Day


Seclusion National Holiday


Third Quarter Ends

Week Without Walls

WWW is next Week!

Transportation: A HUGE thank you to the parents who are generously donating their vehicles and drivers to BAIS during WWW! The final information should be emailed to you by the end of the day on Friday, so if you didn’t receive it, please check your spam and contact Ms. Ribbens (clarissaribbens@baisedu.org). Additionally, a hard copy will be sent home in today’s Friday Folders (elementary families) or on Monday (secondary families) Thanks so much! 

Donations Needed

Any baby items to bless the babies home; new or in good condition (i.e. clothing, blankets, diapers, shampoo, baby wipes)

We will also visit the kids home, ages 3-10 yrs old. We would love to take any kids “activities” (coloring books, colored pencils, crayons, bubbles, play doh, etc) or toy donations (new or gently used) for the kids.

All donations need to be received by Tuesday afternoon.

Large reusable cloth bags (like the McDonald’s bags), Reusable gloves (could be gardening gloves or thick rubber gloves)

Play, Learn, and Grow Together

Bags of individually wrapped candy

School supplies – new or gently used

School bags – new or gently used

Pencil cases – new or gently used

Sports equipment – balls (soccer, volleyball, basketballs, badminton rackets, birdies)

Nursing Home

Adult Diapers

News from FINANCE Dept.

We have sent the 2023 – 2024 tuition invoices. Please check your BAIS family email and let us know if you didn’t receive it. We would like to inform you that the due date for the early bird discount is March 24, 2023. Please send us proof of payment if you are making a transfer through your bank to finance@baisedu.org

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Thank you!


Business Manager

IISSAC Swim, Badminton, And Cross Country

Dear Community,

We are excited to announce that we are going to be hosting the Indonesian International Small School Activity Conference (IISSAC) for Swimming, Badminton, and Cross Country this year. This event is taking place on the weekend of April 28th-30th. IISSAC committee is looking for sponsors (Parents or Businesses). If you are interested in becoming a sponsor and would like to have more information, please contact: Hani Ramappa email: hani@baisedu.org or WA +6281214481338

Hani Ramappa

Athletic Director