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BAIS Buzz, June 8th, 2023

Summer 2023 Activities

Important Dates - August 2023


Back to School Kick-off at 09.00am


First Quarter Begins


Schoolwide Independence Day Celebration


Indonesian Independence National Holiday



28 Aug – 1 Sept

Writing Assessment

School Activities Summer 22-23

English Summer Courses                                                                                                                                                                         

Non-Fiction Comprehension Course                                                                   

Gr. 4 to Gr 10

11:00 – 12:00 / Tuesday & Thursday                              

Rp. 2 jt

(8 sessions. 

June 12 – July 7)

Mrs. Alithia Davis


Hands on learning!  Build skills in reading, understanding, summarizing, and communicating learning using informative text. Minimum of 2 students required. 

Connections Sessions                                                                                                          

Gr.1  – Gr. 10

8:00 – 9:00 / Tuesday & Thursday

Rp. 2 jt

(8 sessions. 

June 12 – July 7)

Mrs. Alithia Davis


For students who are needing extra support & practice, or students entering BAIS in August who want to get started with learning the Structure of English. Must be approved to join. Minimum of 2 students required. 

Fiction Comprehension Course                                                                                                             

Gr.4 – Gr. 10

9:30 – 10:30 / Tuesday & Thursday

Rp. 2 jt

(8 sessions. 

June 12 – July 7)

Mrs. Alithia Davis


Hands on Learning!  Build skills in understanding fiction text, recognizing author strategies, story elements, and writing skills. Minimum of 2 students required. 

Summer Bridge – Vocab, grammar, and comprehension                                                  

Grades K – 2

8:30 – 9:30 / Monday & Wednesday

Rp. 2 jt

(8 sessions. 

June 12 – July 7)

Mrs. Kate Gasson


Topic-based vocabulary usage, grammar structures and basic reading comprehension skills, with listening, pronunciation and conversation practice. 

Summer Bridge – Vocab, grammar, and comprehension                                                  

Grades 3-6

10:00-11:00 / Monday & Wednesday

Rp. 2 jt

(8 sessions. 

June 12 – July 7)

Mrs. Kate Gasson


Topic-based vocabulary usage, grammar structures and basic reading comprehension skills, with listening, pronunciation and conversation practice

Test-Taking Strategies                                                                                                              


10:30 – 11:30 / Tuesday & Thursday

Rp. 2 jt

(8 sessions. 

June 12 – July 7)

Mr. Michael Davis


Build skills in test-taking with emphasis on math.  Students will analyze the types of problems seen on standardized tests and learn strategies for working through those problems.  Calculator use and time-management will be focused on also


Summer Soccer and Engineering                                                   Kinder – 5

08:00 – 12:00 / Tuesday and Thursday                                                       Music Room and Soccer field

Rp. 1.5 jt

(June 20 – July 20)

Ms. Dias Natalia


The Summer fun program to keep students active through sports and learning about science. Ibu Dias will working some project and collaboration with Newton Engineering Club every Tuesday (5 time meet) and Young Tigers Soccer Club Tuesday and Thursday (8 time practice)


Swimming Elementary & Secondary                                                                     

Time Varies see description below                                                                                   Swimming Pool

Full Session 

(twice a week) Rp.900,000


Half Sessions (once a week)

Rp. 600,000 


10 Sessions – 

June 12 – July 20

Coach Henry Marciano






03.00 – 04.00 pm

08.00 – 09.00 am

03.00 – 04.00 pm

08.00 – 09.00 am



& Advanced



& Advanced

* There will be 1 week off for Staff Summer Break during the season


Playdate and Read Along Preschool & Junior Kindergarten   

8:30 – 10:00 / Tuesday and Thursday                                                                             Swimming Pool

Cost: Free

Starts in July

Mrs. kaylyn Julian


Mrs. Julian is hosting a playdate and read-aloud each week on Tuesday and Thursday for the month of July. No need to register, just come and have fun!

** This is not a babysitting event; a nanny or guardian are required to be present with the child(ren)


Sprint Endurance Training                                                              All Grades   

3:30-4:30 / Monday, Wednesday & Friday                                                                 Soccer Field                                                               

Cost: Free

Start: July 4th

End:  August 4th

Mr. Julian


During this 5 week intensive training, students will work on both their sprinting technique and speed endurance. Students of all ages are welcome to join. 

**Besides a water bottle, please bring a good attitude and a willingness to push yourself. 


Bahasa Indonesia                                                                            All Grades   

8:00am-10:00am or 10:30am-12:30pm / Monday to Thursday                                    BAIS Classroom                   



Rp 1.500.000 per person (minimum 2 people) for 3-week course.


Rp 2.500.000 for private 3-week course.

BAIS IEP Teachers


Summer 1: 19 June – 6 July (3 weeks) 

Summer 2: 10-27 July (3 weeks)


Harvard Young Leadership Program                                          Gr. 9 – Gr. 12                                             

Time: TBA                                                                                                                        BAIS Classroom                   


$600 USD


July 10 – 14

Team Learning With Leaders


A unique and intensive 5-Day Program on Leadership and creating Future Change-makers

BAIS Facilities During Summer


The following locations will be closed for construction and/or improvement projects:

Sports Court – June 9 – July 12


The Pool will be available from 6:00am-6:00pm every day this summer. All students must be accompanied by adult supervision no matter their age. You may invite friends to join you, but a BAIS family must always be present. Please be respectful of others and keep the space clean. 

Library Summer Schedule

This summer the library will undergo a renovation and will not be open everyday on weekdays.  


Opening Hours

June 12-23, 2023

Open: Monday AND Friday from 7AM -3PM

*During these hours the library is only available for check in/out.

Closed: Tuesday-Thursday

June 26 – 30, 2023

Library is closed

July 3 – August 4, 2023

Open: Monday AND Friday from 7AM -3PM

*During these hours the library is only available for check in/out.

Closed: Tuesday-Thursday

From the School Counselor Desk

The long awaited break is here!  Please feel free to check out our “Break Time Suggestions” document for some ideas on how to stay healthy and active this summer as a family, as well as how to prepare for the start of school next year.  Enjoy the extended break!

From the BAIS Clinic

Dear Parents,

It is the goal of this school to keep all students healthy while in school. In an effort to protect the health and wellness of all students, we require all students to provide BAIS with up to date immunization documentation. This policy will protect the health of all students. 

Parents, If you received an email about up to date immunization, please bring the Proof of Immunizations before the first day of school, on Monday, August 8, 2023. This can include: either a note or receipt from the hospital or doctors office which gave the injection including the date; childhood immunization records with needed vaccinations recorded; travel clinic documentation or other official medical records.

Protect Yourself. Protect Others. Get Immunized.

For further questions, please contact dr. Mayke (maykerosalina@baisedu.org)

Thank you,


School doctor

Battle of the Books

The 2023- 2024 Battle of the Books list is out! Parents and staff, we would love for you to read with us over the long break so that you can be ready to battle with us as the BAIS teams practices to battle against Mt.View Christian School in Salatiga and Wesley School in Malang.

All books can be found in the BAIS Library.

Happy reading!

Book List:

Year of Impossible Goodbyes by Choi, Sook Nyul

Ruth from the Bible 

Lords of the Earth by Richardson, Don

Sense & Sensibility by Austin, Jane

The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Levine, Gail Carson

On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Peterson, Andrew

The Bronze Bow by Speare, Elizabeth George

The Hound of the Baskervilles by Doyle, Conan

Among the Hidden by Haddix, Margaret Peterson

Everything Sad is Untrue by Nayeri, Daniel

Good bye!

I am deeply saddened to leave this amazing place which has been my home for 13 years. I have been so blessed by this community and I’ll miss all of you very much.  I’ll be returning to Alaska, USA where I will be teaching 2nd or 3rd grade at a school in the city of Anchorage. (btw – Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska, with a population of 300,000. ha!) After being so happy here for so long, it feels a lot more like I am leaving home rather than going home. The students, staff, and families of this place will always hold a very special place in my heart. Come visit me in Alaska! I’ll feed you the best salmon of your life! 


With lots of love, 

    ~ Clarissa Ribbens  (clarissaribbens@gmail.com)

Writing Assessment Middle School Stand Out Story

Each year, our students participate in two Writing Assessments. During scoring, Evie Welsh’s story made all of us laugh in delight. We thought it only fitting to share her story in the BAIS Buzz!  Enjoy! 

– Middle School Grading Team

Between Writing and Assessment 

By Evie Welsh, Sixth Grade

“Didn’t you break a chicken once?”  “Okay,” I say, “Point taken!” 

“Hosanna? Hosanna? Put down the book please.” I sigh and close my book.  Ms. Gardener smiles. “Hosanna, you can’t read during class,  you have to pay attention.” I nod okay, but inside I complain: “But Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians is so good. A conspiracy of Evil Librarians that are controlling the world and erasing all Knowledge of the Free Kingdoms,  the power of glass, the Smedry talents,  and Oculators is more interesting than school.” “Shut up, Hollis! ” I tell myself. “Pay attention.” Hollis is my middle name. I always use it when I talk to myself.   

“Today we are going to start our writing assessment,” Ms. Gardener says cheerfully.  No! I hate the writing assessment. I like writing, but I hate the assessment. Their writing prompts squeeze my writing into a tiny box and make it so bland no one could possibly want to read it.  The way I write is making the story balanced between creativity and actually meaningful stuff, so it’s interesting and philosophical. But I guess not all is lost. I haven’t heard the prompt yet.  Last year, they made us write an essay on school uniforms. For six writing assessments straight. You can only write about these kinds of things about two or three times before it becomes insufferable. 

“The prompt this year is to write about a negative experience you had and write a story where you changed it so it was a positive experience.” 


This prompt sucks. After this Ms. Gardener goes on to list a bunch of other stuff. Mainly don’t write it like a K-drama. Apparently someone did that last time. She talks about how you need to write about things you know.  “How do fiction writers do their job then?” I wonder. I mean has anyone ever figured out their world is a lie?  That there are two extra continents? That they have almost magical glasses that can do crazy things?   That their superpower is breaking things, including time, space, and chickens? (yes this is a very specific list). Great. Now  I have to write a story purely about a “wholesome” topic. Maybe this is a librarian conspiracy. Maybe they’re trying to get us to write boring stories so we’ll grow up and be authors for them, and enforce their fake theories about the world. 

“Alright you can start your writing now” Ms. Gardener says, “Remember to please submit your writing assessment under your  ID number, and not someone else’s.” I pull up the assignment on my computer, but all I can do is stare frustratedly at my computer screen. I hate this prompt. It has no creativity. I try to think of a good, creative and meaningful story, but with a prompt this cringeworthy, I can’t think of anything even a quarter decent. “Great.” I think. “Now I’m going to have to write a stupid assignment about schoolwork.” But I refuse to give up. There is no way I am writing a brain-meltingly awful story. But I’m almost out of time. English is my last period of school, and there’s only three more minutes until the bell rings. “Come on!” I think, “ It doesn’t even have to be amazing, it just has to be good.” The bell rings. I sigh and shut down my computer. I can deal with this later. 

I think it’s later now. School’s been out for a half hour and I’m on the pondok*. But I really don’t want to do this.  The prompt is so stupid. I, Hosanna Hollis Piriyavitai Talenth, refuse to write boring stories. “It really doesn’t matter what I want”  I realize, “I have to do this, so I might as well man up and get it over with -wait, girl up???”  I’ll figure that part out later, but anyway, just because it can’t be the way I want it doesn’t mean it can’t be good. And write about what you know, that is actually good advice. I was just too grumpy to admit it. That’s why, as well as breaking chickens, book characters usually have problems we can relate to such as doubting themselves , or not having any friends. I start working.   

What do I know that can help with writing? Hmmmm…… I think for awhile and finally have a half decent idea. I know this is going to work. Maybe writing assessments aren’t that bad…  And then, in the words of Alcatraz Smedry, “Of course, it meant it was time for something to explode.”  

* A pondok is a kind of Indonesian traditional hut. They have no walls and customarily are used for stopping and resting in the middle of somewhere, usually in a field or on a hike. I apologize for using  Indonesian, but there is no English word for this concept. 

About the Author:

Hosanna Hollis Piriyavitai Talenth does not currently have any awards for writing ( because those are  always in author’s bios) seeing as she is only twelve, and no one but her best friend, Lizzie, has read her stories. She has five brothers, three sisters and more cousins than is a good idea to mention. She likes reading and has been known to steal boats.