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BAIS Buzz, August 18th, 2023


Attention all BAIS Parents:

You are invited to come get to know other BAIS parents on Wednesday, August 23 from 8:30-10:30 am at the home of Caitlan and Aaron Small (Jl. Larangbuana no. 22, KBP). Whether you are a new parent or have been at BAIS for years, please come if you are able! There will be coffee, tea, and light snacks. Hope to see you there!

Pengumuman bagi semua Orang Tua Murid BAIS:

 Anda diundang untuk datang dalam acara perkenalan orang tua murid BAIS yang akan diadakan hari Rabu, 23 Agustus jam 08.30-10.30 di rumah Caitlan dan Aaron Small (Jl. Larangbuana no. 22, KBP). Undangan ini terbuka bagi semua orang tua murid (baru dan lama). Akan ada kopi, teh, dan makanan ringan. Kami sangat berharap untuk dapat bertemu dengan Anda! 

In this Issue

Important Dates


Secondary MAP


SAT Test



I Love to Read


College Fair


Open House

After School Activities - Semester 1

BAIS Clinic Info

Dear Elementary Parents,


This week the BAIS Clinic had a Vision Screening Test for elementary students from kindergarten to fifth grade. This is only a screening using the Snellen chart, but these results can be taken with you to have a follow up done by an Ophthalmologist. I will be sending out email to each parent whose child/children need a follow up.

If you have any questions regarding the screening procedure please email Dr. Mayke (maykerosalina@baisedu.org). 


Thank you for your cooperation

Dr. Mayke Rosalina

(School doctor)