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Secondary classes will use the normal bell schedule during Home and Online Learning. Students will follow their normal class schedule and there will be a strong focus on synchronous learning as teachers will meet with students using Google Meet daily.


  • Students will learn in a live (synchronous) environment following the student’s class schedule.
  • Teachers will teach live lessons via Google Meet and will provide structured time for students to ask questions, engage in learning activities and be part of collaborative discussions and/or group work.
  • Lessons will be recorded in case students miss class, however, unless previously excused, students will be marked absent for missing a meet.
  • Teachers will be provided with professional development opportunities in order to enhance their skills and teaching practices within an online teaching and learning environment.
  • Schoology will be the content-delivery and instructional platform for student learning
  • Learning will continue to align with curriculum and current or new units of instruction
  • Counseling services are available through our school counselor. She can be contact at hayleymartin@baisedu.org


  • All BAIS teachers will operate in the Bandung time zone.
  • Teachers will be available online from 7:45am-3:30pm.
  • Late Start: Every Wednesday, teachers will participate in professional development or committee meetings, so school will not begin until 8:34am. 

Expectations for Students

  • Demonstrate a positive attitude about learning given the unique situation
  • Complete work by deadlines and return work to the teacher as required
  • Check Schoology daily
  • Demonstrate age-appropriate online maturity, digital citizenship, and independence in learning
  • When confused, respect others’ time. Re-read and then ask a friend. If still confused, ask the teacher.

Expectations for Families

  • Demonstrate support of learning efforts given the restrictions of the online format
  • Create a routine and environment to facilitate learning
  • Ensure the availability of a strong, reliable internet connection
  • Communicate technology needs so all students have access to learning resources

Expectations for Teachers

  • Demonstrate professionalism, timeliness, and clarity in all learning interactions
  • Facilitate live online learning using multiple approaches
  • Post all daily learning activities on Schoology before 8:00am every day
  • Be available for student/parent communication during normal work hours
  • Provide parameters for late work and retakes

FAQs for Parents and Students

Online classes are delivered using various technology resources available within our community. Subject area teachers will provide online learning experiences and instructions using Schoology. Google Suite and related Google tools will be used as well. Google “Meet” will be used for any video conferencing.

Online classes and activities are important and if you student misses, they will miss out on the learning. If this happens, the student will be marked absent, and must communicate with the teacher to make a plan to catch up on the learning and assessments. Additionally, teachers will be contacting parents of students who repeatedly miss class or do not turn in work.

This should be avoided if at all possible. If home-internet access is interrupted, perhaps online cellular hotspots can be used. If that is not an option, the student is required to communicate with their teacher.

Parents are encouraged to provide structure, routine, supervision of learning activities and facilitate an environment for learning in their home. It is strongly recommended that learning activities are completed in “public” spaces in the home where computers or tablets or phones can be viewed to keep students on task. It is discouraged to have students with technology in their bedrooms or other private spaces.

Please contact our IT Department via email: it@baisedu.org or you can WhatsApp our IT Director. 

Ms. Martin (hayleymartin@baisedu.org) can be contacted for social/emotional counseling needs and Ms. Hall (melissahall@baisedu.org) can be contacted for college counseling needs.