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Note from the Director

Dear Parents,

Can you believe we have been attending hybrid classes for one month already? It has been refreshing and exhilarating to have students back on campus. I trust your feelings have been similar as you see your child head out the door for school in the mornings. As we plan to slowly add more time on campus and begin offering after-school activities at a limited capacity, your continued support and cooperation is needed more than ever.

I would like to thank you for your diligence in following protocols and keeping your children at home when any covid-19 related symptoms are present. Remember to be in contact with our school doctor maykerosalina@baisedu.org if you or your child are covid-19 symptomatic or have questions about whether your child should come to school, be tested, or remain at home. Please also refer to our reopening guidelines and procedures document which is linked on the main page of our school website.

As we head into our mid-semester break (October 15-20), I would like to remind you that we are counting on everyone in our BAIS community to do their part in maintaining a safe and healthy environment, even while we are away. Please wear masks in public places, maintain social distance, wash hands frequently, and avoid public transportation and large crowds. As a precautionary measure, we highly recommend that all students who travel outside of the greater Bandung/Jakarta area take a RT-antigen test before returning to school on October 21. Note: All BAIS staff will be RT-antigen tested before classes begin on Oct. 21.

Earlier this week, you should have received a short, one-question survey from me in your BAIS email inbox. It asks your preference regarding our Phase 2 to Phase 3 transition. Thanks to those who have responded. I will be sending out an email today regarding our decision on the schedule for the weeks of Nov 1 and Nov 8. Additional details will follow after the break please maintain the habit of checking your baisedu.family email addresses. We have phased out communication via personal emails and will shortly be using WhatsApp messages for emergencies only.

Have a great break and remember to thank God for his abundant blessings!

Mr. Cantrall

Virtual Workshop for High School Student in Indonesia:
Introduction to Data Science

Dear Grade 11-12 Students,

We are pleased to inform you that the University of Melbourne will be offering a virtual science workshop, exclusive to international high school students in Indonesia.

The workshop, Introduction to Data Science, will be delivered by Dr. Karim Seghouane Senior Lecturer for Mathematical Statistics and ARC Future Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Melbourne.

Dr. Seghouane will provide an overview of the study area and use interactive examples to give your students an understanding of the work Data Scientists do. Students will have the chance to use their high school math knowledge to solve real world data problems and get a preview of the important careers data science students can go on to.

With this, we would like to invite you to participate in the workshop:

Students who are joining the workshop will also receive our e-certificate of attendance through their email.

If you need further information, please feel free to contact James Michael (phone/WA: 0811 101 2792, email: james.michael@unimelb.edu.au).

Thank you and we look forward to welcoming your students to our virtual workshop for Indonesia.

‘I Love to Read!’ Month!

Elementary students – get excited!

I Love to Read month begins on November 1st!

Stay tuned for more info!

From the Guidance Counselor

Are you interested in studying in Canada? Be sure to attend the Study In Canada Virtual Fair this Saturday!

More events for other countries and schools are listed here:

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