Tuition Assistance Program Form

The Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) at Bandung Alliance Intercultural School (BAIS) is provided to assist those families who have demonstrated a genuine financial need as they commit to private education for their child(ren). It must be understood that the school’s resources for such financial aid are limited and variable for each fiscal year. It is also important to realize that the primary responsibility for tuition payment lies with the family.

BAIS has developed tuition assistance policy and strategies to help as many families as its budget will allow. There are several practical and reasonable perspectives that BAIS embraces in regards to the TAP:

  1. All families must contribute at some level to their children’s tuition expenses.
  2. BAIS believes that deliberately misleading or misrepresenting facts regarding income/assets in order to receive financial assistance is a serious breach of trust and equivalent to theft of the assistance dollar amount. It deprives others who have legitimate need and compromises the moral integrity of the offender. All applicants are requested to be honest and deliberate if they apply for tuition assistance.
  3. BAIS will not compromise fair compensation/benefits for its staff in order to maintain a given level of financial assistance.
  4. Bartering/trading services for tuition will not generally be an option at BAIS.
  5. All tuition assistance applications, reviews, and awards are kept in strict confidentiality by BAIS. Parents are required to maintain the same practice of confidentiality.
  6. Tuition assistance is awarded on a year to year basis with no guarantee or presumption of continued assistance.
  7. Tuition assistance awards cannot be transferred to other families or students.
  8. Any students receiving family tuition assistance must be in the same immediate family or be legally adopted. There are situations regarding custodial parents and temporary custody of children that may require administrative discretion.
  9. All determinations of assistance are in the sole discretion of the TAP committee of BAIS.

Note: All families needing tuition assistance must submit a current TAP application each year at the time of enrollment or admission. The full tuition amount is expected to be applied to multi-national business, corporate sponsored, first-world embassy or business family dependents. This rate also applies to Indonesian business professionals and entrepreneurs.

There are two types of tuition assistance as follows:

  1. TAP: Tuition assistance typically applies to qualified families and is need based. The TAP will be calculated from the total tuition. You must qualify through the TAP process.
  2. Multiple Children: The Multi-Child Discount is offered to families with multiple children attending BAIS. The discount structure is as follows:
    • 3% discount for the second child
    • 5% discount for the third child
    • 10% discount for the fourth child and beyond

Since BAIS desires to enroll families who believe and support our vision and mission, all reasonable efforts will be made by the administration to accommodate eligible students when funding and space are available. Each year there will be a limited number of need-based scholarships available for families with unique circumstances. These will be awarded on a first come first serve application basis. It is important to re-enroll and submit tuition assistance applications by the due date each year.



Please indicate IDR or USD.


Include pre-school, home school, elementary, secondary, and college/university students. Please indicate IDR or USD.



Housing provided by organization
Vehicle provided by organization
List all real estate owned below
List all vehicles owned or leased below:
Please submit this form along with the following supporting documents:

  • A cover letter stating why you are in need of tuition assistance
  • The most recent tax returns for both the father and mother from your home country
  • Any Indonesian tax declarations for both the Father and Mother
  • Bank statements for the past three months for both the Father and Mother
  • If your employer/organization pays part or all of your child's educational expenses, please provide a copy of the written policy of your employer's guidelines for payment.
By signing my name below, I confirm that I have read and agree to all the terms and conditions outlined. We certify that the information provided is accurate and complete. We authorize BAIS to conduct any necessary inquiries deemed appropriate for the evaluation of our application. We also agree to keep both the decision and the TAP amount (if granted) strictly confidential.

If BAIS discovers you have provided any false information on this application, we reserve the right to charge you the full tuition price from the beginning of the school year.

Your tuition amount is private. Please do not share this information with anyone outside your immediate family. If you share any details, your TAP award will become void, and you will no longer receive assistance.

By typing my name below, I acknowledge this as my official signature.
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